What can we do as parents to make sure our kids come home to us safely every day?
Attend the “Point of Impact: Teen Driver Safety Parent Awareness Program” offered through Mille Lacs Driving Instruction.This program will provide you with all the recent changes to teen driving laws, the reasons behind them, and resources for parents. Call 320-676-3409 for more information.
Parent Program 90 mn Parent Program will be offered at all schools second week of drivers ed class.
Ride with your teen – a lot.Help your teen practice driving on a variety of road types (urban, rural, gravel) and in different conditions (nighttime, rain, snow, and fog).
Continue to monitor and train your teen during the period of greatest crash risk — the first 12 months after licensure.
Talk with your teen to reinforce teen driver laws and set limits (such as passengers, nighttime driving) — use a parent/teen driving contract and Log sheet. A contract form can be found at the following web address:
Laws are constantly changing to make the roads safer. Did you know:
For the first six months of licensure: Only one passenger under the age of 20 is permitted, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
For the second six months of licensure: No more than three passengers under the age of 20 are permitted, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.Passengers under age 20 who are members of the driver's immediate family are permitted.
For the first six months of licensure: No driving from midnight to 5am. Unless its school related or work related. Siblings and family members can ride with student.
Parents are encouraged to set stricter passenger limits for their newly licensed teen by not allowing any teen passengers for the first six-months of licensure, and no more than one for the second six-months. For 16 and 17-year - old drivers, just one passenger increases crash risk by about 50%. With three or more passengers, the risk is nearly four times greater than while driving alone.
It's illegal for drivers under age 18 to use a cell phone, whether hand-held or hands-free - except to call 911 in an emergency.
It's illegal for drivers of all ages to compose, read, or send text messages or access the Internet while the vehicle is in motion or a part of traffic. This includes waiting at stop signs, stop lights, etc.
New laws have increased the number of hours to be driven during the permit time. Students now have to log 50hr of driving 15 at night. After Jan 1, 2015 you will be required to bring a 50hr log sheet to the driving test. (call use for log sheet or find at dps web site listed above)
As you are setting driving limits for your student, remember that more teens die or suffer serious injuries because they weren’t seat belted, they were driving too fast, or they weren’t paying attention to the road. Make sure they know the risks – and they know that you care enough to make sure they come home safely
Free 90-minute online course for parents: